
Cool, New Kitchen Gear

I'm a Gizmodo blog fan. (I only read it so people will think I'm cool, which is very important to me.) Gizmodo blogs about the latest tech gadgets on the market and occasionally, they showcase new or concept kitchen appliances, utensils and kitchenware.

Gizmodo, in their typical irreverent way, panned the appliance at the top, but I think it's rather useful for a small kitchen, and is efficiently paired, especially if you drink tea, Chai or instant coffee and love toast or tartines in the morning. You could pop in crumpets and heat the water for tea at tea time if you're British. Perhaps you could put it in your cube at Gizmodo to heat up hot chocolate or reheat that morning's Starbucks and toast pop tarts. This is refined cubicle hardware. We're definitely carrying this at Cookology.

Attention Bakers and persnickety cooks! The spoon scale is here.Accurate to 1/10 of a gram!

Obviously, other bloggers are excited about its other potential uses, but I'm psyched about this because most Euro and Asian cookbooks and some vintage cookbooks measure ingredients using the metric system. It looks like it's only being sold in the UK. Don't worry we'll get it in Cookology.

Check back here, I should have these for sale on the web site shortly.